Almost everybody ;)
The 5k Endurance @DDO is a highlight for many Montreal's runners. Funny enough after 10 years of triathlon/running it was my first time here. I knew it is probably the race with the strongest field in Quebec. Every year winner finish below or very near 15min & about 60-80 runners finish below 18min.
9 runners from McGill Olympic Club were registered. After Ottawa weekend races, I had built the club training periodization to make this race an A race. After several weeks of hard training, sharing 2 workouts/week with McGill Varsity team, everybody was thrilled to race!
Weather was ok, a bit hot with 20+ degrees and a little bit of wind but nothing serious. Goal for me was to PB. Tough job though 4 days after my sprint duathlon and bike coaching the evening before. And also due to the fact it was my 31st 5k in ''Career''!
My pre race day was great, worked home, nap 30min 3h before race, got good meals, took my Kronobar beetjuice drink. During the warmup my legs didnt feel as good as for the duathlon. Got some question marks in my head but removed them to avoid failure before starting!
Goal was to start 3'30 for the 1st km. My splits were the following :
k1 3'32
k2 3'35
k3 3'35
k4 3'36
k5 3'34
So pretty steady but suffer SOOOOO MUCH after 3,5k. My mental played a huge role and I'm super proud of that.
Final time : 17'52. So its a five seconds PB improvment!
9/70 in my age group. 73/553 overall. No podium here, haha!
Final sprint to secure my PB.

Also super proud of my group, Chloe (20'26) et Rafic (19'35) did their very first 5k, Laia was sick & deciced to pace and help Charlotte (21'58) to PB by 30 seconds! Scott (16'11), Adam (16'16), Paul (16'31) & Olivier (16'01 - 14th overall) PBed! And Mandy (20'02) after months of injuries in 2016 made the qualification standards for the Canadian champs by 1 minute.
Next step is Montreal Rockn'roll Weekend races with cross country B races.
Happy runners! So happy coach ;)
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